HKEx to introduce first Asia commodities contracts

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) will introduce its first Asia commodities contracts – London Aluminium Mini Futures, London Zinc Mini Futures and London Copper Mini Futures – for trading on Monday, 1 December 2014, subject to market readiness.
The three mini metals contracts will trade in Renminbi (RMB). Other contract details, including the hours of the after-hours trading session, are shown in the tables below.
HKEx decided to postpone the introduction of its US-dollar traded API 8 Thermal Coal Futures so it could focus on the launch of the mini metals contracts. HKEx remains committed to the coal contract and will announce its rollout date later.
"This is another big step in our commodities strategy following our launch of self-clearing at the London Metal Exchange (LME) last month and our announcement last month of new LME fees, starting 1 January 2015, to support our ongoing investment in the LME," said HKEx Chief Executive Charles Li. "The new contracts will provide currency convenience, they will expand our range of RMB products, and they will further strengthen Hong Kong's position as the leading offshore RMB centre," Mr Li added.
"These new contracts are part of our fixed income, currency and commodities strategy in Asia and our efforts to expand our Hong Kong markets into new asset classes," said Romnesh Lamba, HKEx’s Co-head of Global Markets.
"RMB traded mini-contracts traded at HKEx, referenced to the LME global reference price, further develops our coverage for global metals traders and enhances liquidity," said HKEx’s Co-head of Global Markets and LME Chief Executive Garry Jones.
Trading Details
The new mini metals contracts will be traded on Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE) and cleared through HKFE Clearing Corporation Limited. They are all monthly cash-settled futures contracts. The trading hours for the new London Aluminium/ Zinc/ Copper Mini Futures will be 9:00 am to 4:15 pm and 5:00 pm to 1:00 am the next morning Hong Kong time Monday to Friday, excluding the public holidays on HKEx's trading calendar. Pre-holiday arrangements will also be the same as those for existing contracts traded on HKFE. Key contract specifications are shown in the table below.
Liquidity Providers, Active Trader Programmes and Possible HKFE-LME Reciprocal Scheme
HKEx is seeking Liquidity Providers for the new contracts and there are two Active Trader programmes with fee rebates (please see this circular for details). HKEx is also aiming to introduce a scheme to encourage LME Members to become HKFE Participants and vice versa. Subject to regulatory approval, there will be a low-cost way for LME Members and related entities that meet certain requirements to become HKFE Participants, and for qualified HKFE Participants and related entities to become LME Members.
Key Contract Specifications
HKEx to introduce first Asia commodities contracts

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The London Metal Exchange, Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited and HKFE Clearing Corporation Limited are wholly-owned member companies of HKEx.