Crude Enters Bear Market As Gold Posts Longest Winning Streak In 7 Months

WTI Crude oil has now entered a bear market, down over 20% from its June highs (and energy stocks are not off the lows) edging closer and closer to 28 month lows. Meanwhile, gold prices have risen for 4 days in a row - the longest winning streak in 7 months...

Oil in a bear market...
Crude Enters Bear Market As Gold Posts Longest Winning Streak In 7 Months

With Brent-WTI back at 3-year lows..
Crude Enters Bear Market As Gold Posts Longest Winning Streak In 7 Months

And gold is up 4 dasys in a row - the last time it did this was February and it continued to rise to 2014 highs...
Crude Enters Bear Market As Gold Posts Longest Winning Streak In 7 Months