Zinc demand to outcast supply by the end of 2014, says ILZSG

Zinc demand to outcast supply by the end of 2014, says ILZSG
According to the estimation released by the group, the demand for zinc would rise about to 13.65 metric tonnes, which is a 5.1 percent increase compared to the present situation, and will be followed by an additional increase in demand of 14.05 million metric tonnes, which is another 2.08 percent increase.
The anticipated increase in demand is expected from China as the production of galvanized sheet  in the country, is reported to have risen to a large extend. According to the reports from the International Lead and Zinc Study Group, the increase in global demand of zinc excluding the demand from China, is rather low, which is reported to be 2.3 percent hike in the year, 2014 and 1.3 percent hike in the year 2015.
The group also stated that, in Europe, 1.2  percent hike in demand is expected this year and 1 percent hike in demand is expected the year after, after remaining constant through the year of 2013.  In the year 2014, a sharp increase in the demand of zinc is expected with a raise of 8.4 percent, followed by the large scale import of zinc into the United states, even so the demand from the United States will decline in the year 2015 to 0.4 percent.
At the same time the production of zinc is expected to have a slight hike of 1 percent to 13.33 million metric tonnes in the year 2014, and a 3.8 percent increase in the production by 13.80 million metric tonnes, in the year 2015.