Global zinc market in deficit during Jan-Sep '14: ILZSG

Global zinc market in deficit during Jan-Sep '14: ILZSG
The latest statistics published by the International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG) indicates that global refined zinc market was in deficit of 309,000 tons during the initial nine-month period in 2014.
According to ILZSG data, the zinc deficit situation in international market has surged higher significantly when compared with the total deficit of 5,000 tons during the corresponding nine-month period in 2013.
During Jan-Sep '14, global refined zinc output totaled 9.95 million tons, whereas the consumption totaled 10.26 million tons.
Earlier, the group had predicted the global zinc demand to increase by 5.1% in 2014 to 13.65 million tons. It also foresees further growth of 2.08% in 2015 to 14.05 million tons. The demand from China is expected to improve further on the backdrop of increased production of galvanized sheet. Meantime, the demand from world countries excluding China are expected to remain muted.
ILZSG also forecasts the global zinc production to grow by 1% to 13.33 million tons in 2014 and by another 3.8% in 2015 to 13.80 million tons.