Miracle Panic-Buyer Lifts Stocks Green From 50DMA

Do you believe in miracles? With death-crosses crossing, Hindenburgs Omening, bonds and credit diverging, breadth deteriorating, stocks on the verge of the worst run of thge year, and the S&P 500 testing the crucial 50-day moving average... it should be no surprise that a combination of VIX-slamming, USDJPY-ramping, PBOC-firing, Fed-speaking sent stocks to their biggest gains in 7-weeks after the worst selling in 5 weeks (and people think the BoJ is the only one buying stocks). Treasury yields rose but nothing like the exuberance in stocks. HY credit markets deteriorated notably (bounced with stocks but notably less so). The USD surged (apparently on PBOC rumors) early (+0.3% on the week). Gold & Silver dropped, copper rose modestly but WTI oil prices exploded higher with stocks' exuberance (and Benghazi headlines). VIX was banged from over 15 to under 13.5. S&P 500 2,000 (1,999.79 achieved) and getting back to green post-FOMC was all that mattered today - and Mission Accomplished... before a slightly weak close.

Dead cat bounce? Perfect 50% retrace of the drop...
Miracle Panic-Buyer Lifts Stocks Green From 50DMA

and The S&P 500 desparately wanted 2,000 (but failed 1999.79 highs)
Miracle Panic-Buyer Lifts Stocks Green From 50DMA

WTI outperformed Brent - spread back to almost $4
Miracle Panic-Buyer Lifts Stocks Green From 50DMA