World Bank: Commodities falling like it's 1985

World Bank: Commodities falling like it's 1985
This year may well see a rare occurrence for world commodity markets – a decline in all nine key commodity price indices, says the World Bank’s latest Commodity Markets Outlook, released on Thursday.
Oil prices have seen the most dramatic decline with iron ore a close second, but all commodity categories except beverages and food other than grains, oils and fats were softer last year. This broad-based weakness is expected to continue throughout 2015 says the bank.
Oil enjoyed a rare up day to trade at $47.50 on Thursday after news of the death of the Saudi king, but prices are still down 56% from the most recent high of $108 per barrel in mid-June 2014.
The forecast 3% decline in precious metals will result mainly from waning interest by institutional investors
That's the third largest decline since World War II – previous records of a 7-month decline of 67% were set in 1985–86 and during the global financial crisis in 2008 which saw a 75% drop.
The proximate causes of the steep drop in oil prices, however, have two key similarities with one previous episode according to John Baffes, Senior Economist in the World Bank’s Development Prospects Group:
"Both the current oil price collapse and the one experienced in 1985/86 followed an increase in oil production from unconventional sources and OPEC’s abandonment of price targeting."
The World Bank forecast sees oil prices averaging $53 per barrel in 2015, 45% lower than in 2014. The weakness in oil prices is likely to impact trends in other commodity prices, in particular those of natural gas, fertilizers, and food commodities.
Metal prices are forecast to drop 5.3% in 2015 compared to a 6.6% fall in 2014, while more moderate declines are foreseen for fertilizers and precious metals. A pullback of 2.9% in precious metal prices will result mainly from waning interest by institutional investors.
The moderation in natural gas prices is expected to lead to a 2.1% decrease in fertilizer prices according to the report.
According to the organization next year a recovery in the prices of certain commodities may likely get underway "although the increases will be small compared to the depths already reached."

Copper will reach to $10,000 per tonne, says Simon Hunt

Copper will reach to $10,000 per tonne, says Simon Hunt
After a small hike, the price of the commodity is expected to decline, it might even slump below 2,000 dollars per tonne by 2017. Simon Hunt, a global copper analyst as well as economist stated that, the price of copper will stabilize in the second quarter of the year, and from the beginning of third quarter, the price of the commodity will start to hike and there is also a chance that the price of the commodity might reach to a record of 10,000 dollars per tonne by the end of 2015 or by the  beginning of 2016, and then the commodity will begin its downward journey again.
He was speaking at the MCC Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He forecast that, the price of copper might decline even lower to 2,000 dollars per tonne by the year 2017. When he was asked about the condition of other metals he stated that, all the other metals are likely to share the similar fate, one way or the other, except for gold .
The value of copper has been declining, and is staying at the present around 5,000-5,500 dollars per tonne. According to the reports, even though the global market is facing a supply glut at the moment, the supply outlook for 2015, has been reduced from 400,000 tonnes to 100,000 tonnes. Hunt expects that, the global market will grow on a smaller pace in the 2015, but he still isn't sure about its effect in India.

S&P Surges As ECB's QE Leaked: Board Proposes €50 Billion In Bond Monetization Per Month

And so with less than 24 hours to go, the ECB has decided to leak its deliberations not only to Merkel and Hollande, but Dow Jones. To wit:
More as we see it, but if indeed this will be a program without risk-mutualization and conditional and limited burden-sharing, where the hope was that Draghi would "shock and awe" the world with the size of the bond purchasing program instead, €600 billion per year looks decidedly on the low side of any "surprise" announcement where the whisper number was for €1 trillion per year, and if indeed this is the final formulation may result in a substantial disappointment for stocks after the initial kneejerk reaction.
More from the WSJ which broke the news first, and was followed by Bloomberg and Reuters:
A proposal from the European Central Bank’s Frankfurt-based executive board calls for bond purchases of roughly €50 billion ($58 billion) per month that would last for a minimum of one year, according to people familiar with the matter.

The ECB’s executive board met Tuesday to decide on the proposal, which will form the basis of deliberations by the entire 25-member governing council on Thursday. The final number and details could change after the full board weighs in on the plan.

Still, the executive board’s proposal indicates that the ECB could move more aggressively than financial markets have expected. Forecasts among analysts have recently centered on a figure of around €500 billion or higher for a quantitative-easing program, but the executive board’s proposal suggests that bond purchases could amount to at least €600 billion.

An ECB spokesman declined to comment.
The knee-jerk reaction
S&P Surges As ECB's QE Leaked: Board Proposes €50 Billion In Bond Monetization Per Month

Morgan Stanley forecast 24 percent hike in copper price

Morgan Stanley forecast 24 percent hike in copper price
The bank, which is based in New York had been stuck with its bullish view, stating that the copper metal, which is a preferred commodity, will increase by about 24 percent to 7,049 dollars per tonne, by the end of the current year. Morgan Stanley, stated in a report that, the bank has no evidence on the collapse of demand in copper
The value of the commodity, declined to 6.2percent last week, which was the biggest decline since the year 2011, after the World Bank cut down its forecast for the world economy. The decline in energy prices has also affected the price of metal prices, by declining the cost of production, forcing the companies to cut down the price, stated Morgan Stanley.
Tom Price stated on his report that, the bank stays bullish regarding the copper outlook. The bank also stated that, it was surprised on the latest move by copper price. The almost 50 percent decline in the price of the oil, over the past year, has also declined the production cost copper by about 5 percent. From July 2014 to 12th January 2015, the 90 percent of changes in the price of copper is due to the change in price of oil. But last week the connection between the two commodities broke, the value of copper declined to fast to too low.

World refined lead metal supply and demand balanced during Jan-Nov '14

World refined lead metal supply and demand balanced during Jan-Nov '14
The latest statistics published by the International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG) indicates that global refined lead market was in surplus of 1,000 tons during the initial eleven-month period in 2014. The total reported lead inventories declined by 40,000 tons during the same period.
The lead mine production in Australia, Peru and the United States increased during the eleven-month period. But they were enough to partially cover the decline in production in other countries such as Bolivia, South Africa and China. The overall global lead mine production reduced by 2.8% when compared with the corresponding eleven-month period in 2013.
The world lead mine output during the ten-month period totaled 4.836 million tons as against 5.435 million tons during 2013.
The refined lead metal production during the eleven-month period totaled 10.300 million tons, 1.24% higher when compared with the 10.174 million tons output during corresponding eleven-month period in 2013. The refined lead metal production surged higher in China, India, Italy, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea, whereas it declined sharply in Japan and the US.
The global demand for refined lead metal increased by 1% to 10.299 million tons during the initial eleven-month period in 2014. The European apparent usage increased by 2.3%. China reported a demand rise of 1.2%. The apparent consumption in the US dropped by 0.6%.

Is This The Reason Why Gold Is Suddenly Surging?

Total Gold ETF physical holdings rose 0.85% on Friday (following Thursday's 0.78% rise) combining for thebiggest 2-day rise since Nov 2011 (adding 843,000 ounces of gold in 2 days). Of course these moves came right after the SNB decision ands are the largest since the peg was announced in 2011. GLD - the largest gold ETF - saw holdings surge 1.9% on Friday, the biggest single-day surge in almost 5 years.

TotalGold ETF Holdings surged 1.65% in the last 2 days
Is This The Reason Why Gold Is Suddenly Surging?

SPDR GLD ETF Holdings spiked 1.9% on Friday and 3.3% in the last 2 days - the biggest 2-day rise since May 2010...
Is This The Reason Why Gold Is Suddenly Surging?

Of course, once again this shows that only paper gold matters for price determination... physical is irrelevant (until of course, physical is all that matters).

Midwest aluminum premium to dip but stay near record highs –analysts

Midwest aluminum premium to dip but stay near record highs –analysts
The U.S. Midwest aluminum premium will drop but remain near record highs in 2015 as warehouse queues are reduced, two analysts said on Tuesday in a panel discussion at the Platts Aluminum Symposium.
The premium , or the price aluminum users pay on top of the benchmark London Metal Exchange (LME) futures price <0#AL> for physical delivery, could fall 2-1/2 cents off the current record-high level of 24.15 cents a lb by March or April, said Timothy Hayes, principal at metals researcher Lawrence Capital Management.
Ed Meir, senior commodities analyst at brokerage INTL FCStone, said the premium would begin to fall in the second half of 2015 and would trade between 19 and 22 cents a lb.
The Midwest premium, along with regional premiums in Europe and Japan, soared to record highs in 2014 as queues to receive aluminum from LME warehouses have grown to more than 500 days due to financing deals that have drawn intense scrutiny from lawmakers and regulators.
In response to the criticism and complaints from users, the LME will implement a rule requiring that warehouses link load-in and load-out rates beginning Feb. 1.
The expected decline in wait times will pressure premiums, Hayes and Meir said, though they emphasized that other factors were just as if not more important.
A decline in Japan’s regional premium, which is currently around $110 a tonne less than the Midwest premium, would spill over to pressure U.S. markets, Hayes said, forecasting an average premium of 21 cents a lb in 2015, 18 cents a lb in 2016, and 15 cents a lb in 2017.
However, he said a widening trade deficit would underpin premiums and cause an increase in the medium term. He added that the premium could ultimately find a floor around 10 cents a lb, the cost of shipping aluminum from the Gulf of Mexico to the Midwest, a level Hayes called “a beacon of where premiums should be.”
Economic weakness around the world will hamper U.S. growth in the second half of the year, weighing on the premium, Meir said. In addition, a flattening forward price structure, coupled with major banks’ exits from physical commodity financing, will reduce the attractiveness of storing aluminum.
“I don’t know who has the deep pockets to replicate these deals assuming the spreads come back,” Meir said.
He added that surging demand from the U.S. automotive sector would prevent the premium from falling further, though the possibility that top producer China would reduce export duties on ingots remained a “wild card” and had the potential to drive premiums down sharply.

Global zinc market in 255 kt deficit during Jan-Nov '14: ILZSG

Global zinc market in 255 kt deficit during Jan-Nov '14: ILZSG
The latest statistics published by the International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG) indicates that global refined zinc market was in deficit of 255,000 tons during the initial eleven-month period in 2014. The total reported zinc inventories declined by 326,000 tons during the same period.
The zinc mine output reported declines in Australia, Canada, India, Ireland and Namibia. However, the fall in output was covered with the increased mine output from other countries including China, Mexico, Peru, Sweden and the United Sates. Overall, the zinc mine output grew by 1.9% during the initial eleven months of 2014, in comparison with the previous year.
The refined zinc metal production during the eleven-month period totaled 12.296 million tons, 4.16% higher when compared with the 11.805 million tons output during corresponding eleven-month period in 2013. The rise in refined zinc metal output was mainly due to increased output from China.
The global demand for refined zinc metal increased by 5.4% to 12.551 million tons during the initial eleven-month period in 2014. The Chinese apparent usage increased by 10.5%. The US reported a demand rise of 3.9%. On the other hand, apparent consumption in the Europe region declined by 1.6%.
The global mine production during the month of Nov ’14 alone totaled 1.213 million tons. The refined zinc metal output during the month totaled 1.207 million tons. The global demand for the metal totaled 1.190 million tons during the month.

Copper expects to run short

Copper expects to run short
This metal which is economically sensitive declined by 14 percent, by the end of last year, has forced the crowd to jump on the downward action. The Futures contracts are anticipating on the further falls for the metal at multiple month highs on the London Metal Exchange, has seen that the similar contracts hike by 180 percent, since the beginning of the month December, stated the Financial Times
The decline of the commodity will hike by the expected decline in the Chinese Economy, which accounts for 45 percent of the global demand and there is also a forecast of the increase in the supplies in the mine this year and also in the year that follows.
The estimates of Wall Street show that, the increase in supply might be off the base. The mining giant Glencore PLC, also agreed with the estimation. The company is the biggest supplier of copper in the world.
The company also stated that, forecast of surplus in the year 2015 will be very small, based on the past surplus, and the chances are less that, the decline will move further outward. The company also added that, it wouldn’t be surprised to see a deficit in the year 2015.

Is Aluminum The Next Commodity To Crash?

Remember that when it comes to industrial metals, two of the most notorious banks in the US, Goldman and JPM as well as the world's biggest commodity trader Glencore, tried to corner the market and became a supply-controlling syndicate a la De Beers, controlling how much metal hits the market - most notably aluminum - and creating an artificial scarcity in the process. We covered this first in 2011, but few people noticed even if the data was staring everyone in the face.

Is Aluminum The Next Commodity To Crash?

They failed, when this story became mainstream two years later following an article in the NYT which led to numerous congressional hearings, lawsuits, guilty pleas, and so on, in the process crushing the big banks' scheme to corner physical commodities. As a consequence, most banks have spun off are in the process of selling their physical commodity divisions.
However, one thing did not change: aluminum was still largely locked up in warehouse inventory, with little if anything of the underlying product, i.e., supply, hitting the market (and market price).
And as the charts below show, while copper has plunged in recent weeks, aluminum has been surprisingly stable, even though like copper aluminum is one of the key metals behind Commodity Financing Deals.
Is Aluminum The Next Commodity To Crash?

That is about to change, because according to a source at Metal Bulletin the aluminum trickle (at first, then flood) out of warehouses and into the market, is about to be unleashed.

Does this mean that the one industrial commodity which so far was spared carnage is about to be "coppered"? And if so, how many hedge funds and prop desks who have aluminum-collateralized loans will have to struggle even more to pretend they can keep pushing that margin call into voicemail forever. We expect to find out shortly.

China’s GDP Release to Trigger Further Copper Price Falls?

 China’s GDP Release to Trigger Further Copper Price Falls?
Market focus has shifted to the China Q4 GDP figure due for release next week, which is expected to slow significantly.
Bloomberg predicts that China’s growth will slow to 7.2% in the final quarter of 2014. Will copper prices present a renewed decline on poor data from China?
“Copper prices are likely to slide should the GDP data turn out poor, but the impact will be limited as the result is somewhat within market expectation,” an analyst from Shanghai CIFCO told SMM.
Analyst from Jinrui Futures also reckons that copper market may not be significant affected even if the economic indicator proves weak, as market prediction is for the economy to slow. “The bad data might have been priced in,” the analyst explains. 

Tight Supply to Bolster China Physical Lead Prices, SMM Says

Tight Supply to Bolster China Physical Lead Prices, SMM Says
Tightening supply of both primary and secondary lead is likely to bolster physical lead prices in China, says Zhu Rongrong, an analyst with Shanghai Metals Market.
Low secondary lead prices largely squeezed margins for smelters, leaving even unlicensed smelters unprofitable. This has resulted in massive stoppages in late 2014, especially at those unlicensed companies.
Furthermore, Anhui’s Huaxin Lead Industry Group has shut down smelters in its old factory zone due to a failure to meet environmental protection requirements.

Swiss shocker lights fire under gold price

Swiss shocker lights fire under gold price
Gold on Thursday shot higher after Switzerland's central bank scrapped efforts to keep the franc from appreciating sending shockwaves through financial markets already in turmoil as a result of a stock market plunge, the oil price slide and the collapse in copper this week.
In later morning trade on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange gold for February delivery soared to a high of $1,267.20 an ounce, up $32.70 or 2.5% from Wednesday's close. Volumes were nearly double recent trading session with 23.7 million ounces changing hands by lunchtime.
Gold is now trading at its highest since September 5 and has jumped more than 7% jump so far this year. Gold has gained more than $120 from its near four-year low hit early November.
Even a sage like Faber may have been surprised that his prediction would pan out so swiftly
After the announcement by the Swiss National Bank ended the currency cap the franc jumped 16% against the euro and more than 30% against the dollar as traders tried to figure out the impact on global financial markets.

The SNB also entered further unchartered territory by cutting the interest rate on certain bank deposit account balances to -0.75% – that's minus three-quarters of a percent.
Marc Faber, economist, investment guru and Wall Street stalwart, came out on Tuesday this week as the year's biggest gold bull, saying a collapse in confidence in the world's central banks could see gold rallying 30% this year.
Even a sage like Faber aka Dr, Doom (his investment newsletter is called the Gloom Boom Doom Report) may have been surprised that his prediction would pan out so swiftly:
“My belief is that the big surprise this year is that investor confidence in central banks collapses. And when that happens — I can’t short central banks, although I’d really like to, and the only way to short them is to go long gold, silver and platinum,” he said. “That’s the only way. That’s something I will do.”

S&P Down 5% From Highs, Dow Drops Almost 700 Points In 27 Hours

Things are escalating... Energy credit markets are pushing back towards record high spreads, copper is pushing back to the overnight lows and gold and silver are flat. US equity markets are the big movers withThe Dow down well over 300 points today (and nearly 700 points in the last 27 hours) and the S&P now down almost 5% from its highs. Treasury yields are 8-10bps lower on the day with 30Y yields at record lows and 10Y close.

S&P Down 5% From Highs, Dow Drops Almost 700 Points In 27 Hours
And the machines have a problem as JPY carry has decoupled from risk..
S&P Down 5% From Highs, Dow Drops Almost 700 Points In 27 Hours

Crude Oil Prices Are Spiking Into Close

WTI Crude futures are up almost 6%, spiking above $48.50 into the close and options expiration... no fundamental catalyst for now... Once again, crude futures have been 'spoofed' all day so this is hardly a surprise.
Back into the green on the week...
Crude Oil Prices Are Spiking Into Close

Copper & Crude Convolutions: "The More This Goes On The More It Looks Like 1937"

The primacy of the monetary pyramid in 2015 is not really about money as it is all ideology. If you believe that monetary policy provides “stimulus” then you immediately remove all thoughts of any economic decline during times when monetarism is most active. Since “it works” then all else must fall into place. Contrary indications are thus given extraordinary lengths to maintain logical consistency.
Economic commentary as it exists is incredibly short-sighted, though there is no reason to believe that is anything other than exactly what I stated above. The state of economics even as a discipline has internalized Keynes so deeply that all that matters is what happens month-to-month. That makes it easier to maintain the status quo of opinion about “stimulus” – in the short run it is very easy to find a suggestion for something behaving “unexpectedly.”
That was certainly the case with crude oil prices these past few months, as the initial impulse was uniformly and incessantly prodded to over-supply. Again, the reasoning behind that was simply since “stimulus” works and it was being practiced and replicated all over the world there was no possible means by which “demand” might drop, and so precipitously. After a few weeks of oil “unexpectedly” falling further, re-assurances were more difficult and increasingly derivative by nature.
The parallel excuse was that oil prices were oil prices and that very little else “important” was behaving as was crude. And whatever commodity prices were falling in parallel fashion, that was distilled as being nothing more than either an oil “echo” or supply everywhere. This was written in November 2014:
The simple reason for the dip in commodities prices, these experts say, is that we have too much of a good thing: too much gold; a bumper crop of corn; a glut of iron ore because the big three producers, Rio Tinto, Vale and BHP Billiton have all increased output. In crude oil, members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries keep pumping out oil, while US production is at its highest level since 1986…

That lack of demand is why the commodity markets aren’t forecasting bad times in the future; they’re mirroring the current dark “mood” of the commodity investor, said analysts at Citi Research in a research note from 16 November.
The article should have just come right out and stated the central theme: commodity “investors” are in a “dark mood” because the world is so good right now. And while that may hold some minor plausibility on the surface, it is, again, far too narrow and focused solely on this moment. Even if commodity prices were, in fact, trading only on over-supply, therein lies the seeds of the next economic problem anyway. What factor in this economic world would lead to such an imbalance in the first place?
After all, businesses are supposed to be set on expectations for future conditions, and this narrative more than suggests that they were decidedly bad at doing so. Producers that so over-produce themselves into big trouble are either really stupid, or led astray by prices that, at their core, don’t make fundamental sense.
In other words, even if you follow this tendency to excuse “unexpected” weakness, it still amounts to largely the same problem – an artificial “boom” predicated on artificial prices rather than something more fundamentally sound and thus sustainableIt all ends up in the same place as an imbalance that will have to be cleared via retrenchment; a fact that is missed in the euphoria of “this month is compared only to last month.”
One reason Haworth said he’s not worried about a bigger global recession is the behavior of copper prices. Because the red metal has many industrial uses, commodity watchers will sometimes say copper has “a PhD in economics”, and it can be a gauge of future industrial demand. US copper futures prices have dipped below $3 a pound on rare occasions in 2014, but it’s always bounced back up. Prices currently are around $3.04.

Haworth called that “heartening” and posits copper prices are suggesting that while global growth is not strong, it’s not falling apart.

“In order for me to become worried about a recession, I think we’d need to see a much bigger fall in the price of copper and that’s not happening,” Haworth said. [emphasis added]
Almost immediately upon having those words printed, the price of copper declined below $3 and has remained lower ever since; in fact still falling further even now. I don’t profess to know at what price Mr. Haworth would consider low enough to change his global recession stand, but in wider context it is clear that the possibility has already been more than suggested.
Copper & Crude Convolutions:
As of this morning, the front month futures price of copper delivery is almost exactly the same price as it was in June 2010 at the lows when recovery after the Great Recession was very much in doubt – leading to QE2 and the last great “rip” in commodity prices (as if that were a good thing). It only matters that copper prices are not wholly collapsing right now, in scale closer to what happened starting July 2008, if your view of the world is temporally tapered. Taking a longer view, copper prices have been falling since the 2011 apex of the $/€ crisis, with the longer-term trend established in early 2012 as global growth (demand) has done nothing but wane.
In a physical world where supply and demand have to clear at some price, it is not really surprising that a slow attrition in economic activity would show up as a much more durable and extended slide in not just copper, but almost every economically-sensitive commodity. Since that trend includes the beginning and end of QE 3 & 4, as well as innumerable “stimulus” programs in Japan, Europe, China and elsewhere, with nary a durable upward impression, it speaks very ill of the impact of monetarism on actual “demand”, even if it were “over-supply.”
ABOOK Jan 2015 Copper IMF Indices
The mainstream impression of all of this is one of independent and discrete trends with no unifying nature. That fits the idea that “market” prices can be as they are without disrupting the narrative of an economy on the upswing. But the financial system, especially globally, does not behave as a segregated and compartmentalized price engine – and certainly not for extended periods. The fusion of all these pieces, and why crude collapse is really indicative of the underlying trend, is, of course, the “dollar.”
ABOOK Jan 2015 Copper Short
In a globalized and financialized world, financial disruption, which is what a “rising” dollar signifies, is not an independent paradigm. The more prices trend exactly opposite of how “stimulus” is supposed to work, the less these convolutions will hold up whereby, eventually, reality sets in. The significance of the action in December is that there are no more lines in the sand left to defend the “honor” of monetarism; copper isn’t anywhere near $3 anymore and the long-predicted crude oil bounce to $70 is instead $45 and falling. Only equities remain, and at these valuations they signify nothing but the folly of the artificial economy. The more this goes on, the more it looks like 1937 lives again.

Copper Carnage Continues - Bloodbath At China Open

Update: COMEX Copper trades $243.40
Heavy volumes in the futures markets have smashed COMEX Copper prices to as low as $251.90 as China opens. This is the lowest level for copper since July 2009... LME prices are as low as $5,500/mt... Blame OPEC! In fact - we suspect - blame massive rehypothecation hedge unwinds...
Total Carnage
Copper Carnage Continues - Bloodbath At China Open
This is not a normal China open...
Copper Carnage Continues - Bloodbath At China Open
As Bloomberg reports, the catalyst for this latest leg down appears to be World Bank global growth forecast cuts...
Copper tumbled below $5,500 a metric ton for the first in five years as a cut in the World Bank’s global growth forecast fueled speculation demand for raw materials won’t be enough to eliminate a supply glut.

Copper dropped as much as 6.6 percent and nickel slid 2.2 percent. The world economy will expand 3 percent in 2015, according to a World Bank report released today, down from a projection of 3.4 percent in June. The Bloomberg Commodity Index of 22 energy, agriculture and metal products slid to the lowest level since November 2002 yesterday after dropping 17 percent last year.

“The news everywhere is doom and gloom,” said David Lennox, a resource analyst at Fat Prophets in Sydney. “Prices are going to keep sinking.”

Copper for delivery in three months on the London Metal Exchange dropped as much as $388 to $5,472 a ton, the lowest intraday price since July 2009. The metal was trading 6.1 percent lower at $5,501.25 ton at 9:54 a.m. in Hong Kong.

All other metals on the LME declined, with nickel dropping to the lowest since February 2014.
*  *  *
Maybe commodities are on to something...
Copper Carnage Continues - Bloodbath At China Open

Naah - stocks are all-knowing...
Copper Carnage Continues - Bloodbath At China Open
*  *  *
Copper's cost curve is coming under pressure...
Copper Carnage Continues - Bloodbath At China Open

*  *  *
Crude is also under pressure...
Copper Carnage Continues - Bloodbath At China Open

Marc Faber: Gold will rally 30% in 2015

Marc Faber: Gold will rally 30% in 2015
Gold on Tuesday took a breather after a strong start to the year with futures contracts in New York Mercantile retreating slightly to change hands for $1,232 an ounce, down just over $2 from Tuesday's close.
Gold is still trading at its highest since October 22 after jumping more than 4% so far this year. Gold hit a near four-year low of $1,143 early November.
Marc Faber, economist, investment guru and Wall Street stalwart, came out on Tuesday as the year's biggest gold bull, saying all asset classes except precious metals are overpriced and predicting a sharp move higher for the metal:
“I’m positive [that] gold will go up substantially [in 2015] — say 30%,” Faber, whose investment letter is called the Gloom Boom Doom Report, said at Société Générale’s global strategy presentation in London on Tuesday.
“My belief is that the big surprise this year is that investor confidence in central banks collapses. And when that happens — I can’t short central banks, although I’d really like to, and the only way to short them is to go long gold, silver and platinum,” he said. “That’s the only way. That’s something I will do.”
Gold has tanked 35% since reaching an all-time high just above $1,900 an ounce in September 2011, making it one of the worst performing assets in recent years. In 2014, it lost 1.5%, following a 28% slide in 2013. So far in 2015, however, investors have taken a liking of the metal, with the front-month contract up 4.1%, outpacing gains for even a solidly performing dollar. (U.S. equities have been testing the waters on both sides of the break-even mark.)
“We simply have highly inflated asset markets. Real estate is high, stocks are high, bonds are high, art prices are high, and interest rates and short-term deposits are basically zero,” Faber said. “The only sector that I think is very inexpensive is precious metals, and in particularly precious-metals stocks.”
Faber, at times identified as “Dr. Doom,” singled out U.S. stocks as especially overvalued. Emerging markets, in contrast, could be on the cusp of another bull run, although investing in them in the early part of 2015 may be premature, he said.
“I don’t think they are that cheap. Valuations are not expensive, but they are not the bargain of the century. But I believe some time in the next six to nine months emerging economies will become relatively attractive.”

Gold, silver price rally: No convincing ETF investors

Gold, silver price rally: No convincing ETF investors
Gold on Monday continued to build on recent gains as sagging equity markets, a fresh slide in the price of oil and doubts about the strength of the US economy saw investors piling into safe haven assets.
In afternoon trade on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange gold for February delivery was changing hands for $1,235.60 an ounce, up $19.50 or 1.6% from Friday's close.
Gold is now trading at its highest since October 22 and has jumped more than 4% jump so far this year. Gold hit a near four-year low of $1,143 early November.
Uncharacteristically silver trade was more subdued. March contracts rose 1.1% or $0.18 to $16.60 compared to Friday's close and near the day's highs. Silver is up 6.5% in 2015 after losing some 20% of its value last year.
Last week's meagre 1.7 additional tonnes of silver can hardly be considered a trend-reversal
Roughly 60% of silver demand is from industry, with investment and jewellery demand making up the remainder, and the silver price has been dragged down by weakness in other industrial metals like copper which is trading near five-year lows.

Despite a rally in precious metals this year, investors in exchange traded funds backed by physical gold continued to lighten their exposure and silver buyers have not returned to the market in big numbers.
Last week saw a small reduction in holdings and at 1,599.9 tonnes as at January 9, holdings in the dozens of gold-backed ETFs listed around the globe, are now down to levels last seen April 2009.
SPDR Gold Shares (NYSEARCA: GLD) – the world’s largest gold ETF holding more than 40% of the total – has been even harder hit with holdings falling to levels last seen September 2008.
Gold bullion holdings in global ETFs hit a record 2,632 tonnes or 93 million ounces in December 2012, but the outflows have been relentless since then.
Retail investors in silver took a different tack to gold investors last year, stocking vaults at physical silver-backed ETFs to record levels in October of 20,182 tonnes.
But the liquidation since then has been rapid (288 tonnes during the last week of 2014) and last week's meagre 1.7 tonnes addition for total holdings of 19,380 tonnes can hardly be considered a trend-reversal.

McHugh's Fearless Forecast for 2015: The Stock Market

As 2014 has closed, we want to present our view of where markets are headed in 2015 in a series of coming articles. Toward the end of this series, we will cover real estate and the economy, something slightly different than what we normally cover in our market reports, but something you may find quite interesting. Let's start by saying this: The year 2015 will be historic, with unusual events and high market volatility.

The Stock Market

We believe there will be at least one stock market crash in 2015 (a decline of 15 percent or greater, probably much greater than a 15 percent decline), with perhaps one or more mini-crashes (10 percent or more). We believe that the largest stock market decline in 2015 will be a crash, and that this crash will be underway (could last several weeks or months) within two weeks before or after September 14th, 2015. In other words, we see a stock market crash in the latter third of 2015. It could be huge, and could change the financial, political and regulatory landscape for years to come.
There is a convincing amount of evidence for this in this author's opinion. First is the multi-decade Jaws of Death pattern. It is finished or will be by the latter part of 2015, and warns of a mega-decline in the stock market, and an economic depression. I wrote a book about this (available at that many of you have read. The time will be at hand for the fulfillment of this stock market pattern in 2015.
The second convincing piece of evidence is a cycle pattern we follow that is rare and extremely correlative to stock market declines and economic downturns, pointing to a powerful economic and market collapse around September 14th, 2015. This cycle pattern was present for the 2008 and 2001 market plunges. It will be present again in 2015, the first time it has been evident since 2008. Then there is the Bradley model which is an astro cycle turn indicator which points toward a turn on September 23rd, 2015. We also have a Phi Mate Turn date scheduled for September 15th, 2015.
The multi-decade Jaws of Death stock market pattern is calling for an economic collapse and a market collapse. This is a Bear market for the ages coming, which we believe is already starting in stealth, masked by the artificial stock market rally whose main purpose has been to hide the truth about the underlying economy's collapse, including the unannounced disintegration of the middle class in America. Part and parcel with Bear markets are social strife issues. A negative psychological state of mankind.
One developing social strife that will have an enormous negative effect upon the stock market and the economy is the civil war that is breaking out in the United States between liberals and conservatives. It is time to call it what it is, a civil war. We see this in Washington's inability to govern and negotiate. We see this with our judicial systems' decision-making being driven ideologically, interpreting laws according to the justices' in power political views and personal values, with relativism and the ends justifies the means enforcement of American jurisprudence evident in many cases. The divide is wide and passions are at the brink of violence. Truth is being redefined as a point of view. The U.S. Constitution is being rewritten by court decisions and precedent cases that could be completely distant from what is written on that sacred piece of paper. The plain language of the U.S. Constitution is being ignored and replaced by pseudo intellectual hyperbole. This brewing civil war will be a contributing factor in the destruction of the economy and the stock market in 2015 and beyond, not to mention America's traditional values and way of life.McHugh's Fearless Forecast for 2015: The Stock Market

Do Stocks Always Fall After Crude Crashes?

Not always, but you will have to consider modern finance this time?
Modern finance
- Hedging protection
- Debt and derivatives blow ups associated with Oil companies.
- Percentage of economic growth lost verses benefit of cheaper oil.
As always timing is the factor, how much pain will be felt before we get the gain? The next 12 months will be rocky as the bad oil news flows through the market.
Chart: Crude oil on top, Dow Jones on the bottom.
Do Stocks Always Fall After Crude Crashes?

Russia To Accelerate $3bn Of Ukraine Debt

Russia To Accelerate $3bn Of Ukraine Debt
Just 13 short months ago - two months before then President Yanukovich was ousted - Russia lent Ukraine $3 billion (by buying their Eurobonds). As Reuters reports, the terms of that loan included a condition that Ukraine's total state debt should not exceed 60% of its GDP. As of last month, based on Moody's estimates, Ukraine has violated that condition with a debt-to-GDP of 72% (and will likely rise to 85% of GDP in 2015).. and so, according to Russian finance minister Anton Siluanov, "Russia has the right to demand early return of this loan." With European aid 'contingent on major reforms' and possibly taking up to 1 year, this leaves the good old IMF (i.e. the US and European taxpayer) to bridge Ukraine's 'gap' and ironically bailout Russia.

As Reuters reports, Russia can demand early repayment of the $3 billion loan at any time...
Ukraine has violated the terms of a $3 billion Russian loan but Moscow has not yet decided whether to demand early repayment, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov was quoted on Saturday as saying.

Russia lent the money in December 2013 by buying Ukrainian Eurobonds, two months before Ukraine's then-president, the pro-Moscow Viktor Yanukovich, fled the country amid mass protests against his rule.

The terms of the loan deal included a condition that Ukraine's total state debt should not exceed 60 percent of its annual gross domestic product (GDP).

Last month, rating agency Moody's estimated that Ukraine's debt amounted to 72 percent of GDP in 2014 and would rise to 83 percent in 2015. It also said "the risk of default is rising".

"Ukraine has definitely violated the terms of the loan, and in particular (the condition) not to increase its state debt above 60 percent of GDP," Russia's Siluanov said, according to Interfax news agency.

"So Russia definitely has the right to demand early return of this loan. At the same time, at present this decision has not yet been taken."
But, as Bloomberg notes, the European Union "support" could take a while and it is entirely contingent upon tough reforms for Ukraine...
The European Union is considering a further 1.8 billion euros ($2.1 billion) in aid to Ukraine to help the former Soviet republic overhaul its economy, which has been ravaged by a separatist conflict in its easternmost regions.

The European Commission, the EU executive, said the fresh loans, on top of $17 billion already pledged in the International Monetary Fund-led rescue of the troubled country, werecontingent on the Ukrainian government pushing through economic reform measures and fighting corruption.

The EU has provided “unprecedented financial support and today’s proposal proves that we are ready to continue providing that support,” Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said today in a statement. “Solidarity goes hand in hand with commitment to reform, which is urgently needed in Ukraine.”


Disbursement of the aid, which must still be approved by the European Parliament and the EU’s 28 governments, will depend on Ukraine’s adherence to the conditions of the IMF program, which include fiscal consolidation, changes in the energy and banking industries, and other measures, the commission said.

This would be the EU’s third package of loans to Ukraine, following two totaling 1.6 billion euros approved last year. A final portion of 250 million euros from the earlier aid is due to be given within the first months of this year, according to the commission.
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So - while Russia 'suffers' under the thumb of plunging oil prices and a tumbling currency crisis, a simple decision to push Ukraine into early repayment could leave Europe - having paid out their entire Ukraine bailout to Russia - asking for moar help from the IMF (i.e. The US Taxpayer) to keep the 'crucial' nation state of Ukraine from default.